Saturday, September 13, 2008

Casa Amalfi, 3206 Casey Key Rd, on Casey Key

I am pleased to present my new listing, Casa Amalfi, on Casey Key. This stunning remodeled/renovated home sits on over half an acre on the bay with wonderful views from every room. The property had been neglected for some years and had undergone some interior modifications over time that left it undesirable for most buyers. When the current owner, another Casey Key property owner who lives here full time with his wife and two young sons, purchased the property, it was with the idea of giving the space new life and to use hand-crafted materials and open up the rooms for optimal views. The structure had "good bones" but was in great need of a total renovation, including a much expanded kitchen, all new bathrooms, interior staircase, elevator, elegant master suite. The "before" and "after" photos really tell the story. The grounds were in total disarray and overgrown to the extent that there were no bay views whatsoever. Now, the end result is just so beautiful and satisfying.

I had my first official “showing”, after being on the market for about a week, and the potential Canadian buyer was so impressed with the interior space and design, that I had trouble getting him to go outside to experience the garden and dock areas. He said he felt so “comfortable” being in the space and that it was really an incredible home.

I invite you to call me for a showing of this special property. It will be my pleasure to show you around Casa Amalfi. For the video tour of the property, click here.

You may also see more details about this property on my website.

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